Here's to the men with greasy hands
Who fuel our planes when the pilot lands.
Who change the tires and oil the squeaks,
Fix the flak damage and stop the leaks.
Tend to the controls to make them fly straight,
Wait for the planes when the pilots are late.
Who smooth the scratches and rivet the panels,
Check "Loud and clear" on the radio channels.
Who read the write-ups and make the repairs,
Check the lines and wires for chafing and tears.
Who pull the chocks and walk the wings,
And do a million maint'nance things.
Who watch as the bird takes off and flies.
So here's a salute to those hard-working guys
From a group of flyers who seldom ponder
The men who keep us in the wild blue yonder.
Danger Arrow Decal
Aviation Mechanics Decal from the world's finest collection of historically accurate, all-weather, waterproof, military aviation decals and civilian aviation decals, squadron decals, airplane stickers and military aircraft markings. Presenting the Sierra Hotel Aeronautics Aviation Decal Collection.