In the effort to continue our dedication to preserve and share prestigious moments in aviation history...we present our newest recreation of the Strategic Air Command Shield Motivational Design - To Err Is Human. To Forgive is NOT SAC Policy
Displays an arm and armor that are a symbol of strength, power and loyalty and representing the science and art of employing far-reaching advantages in securing the objectives of war. The blue background of the SAC crest meant that SAC's reach was through the sky and that it was global in scope.
The Strategic Air Command Not SAC Policy Decal from the world's finest collection of Flight Jackets, Aviation Baseball Caps, Aviator Sunglasses, Vintage Aviation T-shirts, Aviator Watches, Aviation Decals, Squadron Decals and Military Aircraft Markings. Presenting the Sierra Hotel Aeronautics Pilot Shop and Pilot Supply Co.
Strategic Air Command Milky Way Decal