The 99th Pursuit Squadron Decal - In the total escort missions flown by the coloured pilots of the Red Tail Squadron…only 26 bombers were lost to enemy aircraft while under their watch. By war end, the Tuskegee Airmen had been awarded a combined one hundred and fifty Distinguished Flying Crosses, fourteen Bronze Stars, Seven hundred and forty-four Air Medals, Eight Purple Hearts, three Distinguished Unit Citations and one Silver Star
Their combat records will forever stand as a monument to the professionalism, dedication and bravery of their crews…for the Tuskegee Airmen to achieve all they have despite their own country’s racial intolerance and the obstacles placed before them by their very own military, is a testament to all who flew with the crimson tails.
The Red Tails Sqaudron Decal - 99th Pursuit Squadron Decal from the world's finest collection of historically accurate, all-weather military aviation decals, civil aviation decals, squadron decals and military aircraft markings. Presenting the Sierra Hotel Aeronautics Aviation Decal Collection.
Late War USAF Markings Decal