Celebrity Pilots
In the heart of Los Angeles, are a multitude of Hollywood celebrities who had graced the silver screen. But hidden amongst them are a select few who share a secret passion for aviation. These celebrities weren't content with just the red carpets and cameras; they yearned to slip the surly bonds...

Kurt Russel
Flying ran in his family's blood...Russell’s grandfather was a senior check captain for TWA, and test pilot for Howard Hughes. Russell started flying in 1988, earning himself a Private Single-Engine Land, Multi, and IFR. Kurt has also owned and operated a Rockwell Commander, Cessna Crusader, Cessna 414, Cessna Conquest, a Piaggio Avanti 180, and last but certainly not least, his beloved Starduster biplane.
John Travolta
John, a avid aviation enthusiast who has been flying since his "Welcome Back Kotter" days when he purchased his first aircraft...a single-engine Eurocoup. Travolta has since earned his Commercial, Multi Engine, Instrument, and has owned and operated a multitude of aircraft including Lear 24, 25 and 35, Dassault Falcon 900, Boeing 727, Boeing 707-120(SIC), Challenger 601, Cessna Citation P/CE-500, British Aerospace 125 , a G-2 Vision Jet, and a SIC 747 rating from Qantas, as well as serving as an ambassador for the Australian Qantas Airlines.

Christopher D'Olier Reeve was a licensed pilot. Reeve raced his sailplane in his free time and even flew solo across the Atlantic... twice. Christopher was also a member of the Tiger Club, a group of aviators who had served in the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain that regularly participated in mock dogfights in vintage World War I aircraft. When the producers of the film "The Aviator" approached him to make the film, they had no idea he was actually a pilot and knew fully well how to fly a Stearman, the aircraft used in the film. Reeve readily accepted the role and flew all the flying sequences for the film himself.

Jimmy Buffett
Jimmy's love for aviation was no secret. A lifelong aviation geek, Commercial, Multi, IFR, Land and Seaplane pilot, well known for his beautiful Grumman HU-16 Albatross known as the Hemisphere Dancer, as well as a PC-12, Cessna Citation Encore 500, and a Diamond DA-50.

Clint Eastwood
The man better known as the pilot who stole Firefox, Clint is also a seasoned Private Helicopter Pilot. Much less known, Clint is also a survivor of a night ditching in a Navy AD-1 Skyraider off the coast of California. Sept 30th, 1951, then 21-year-old US Army Pvt. Eastwood had hitched a ride from Naval Air Station Seattle for Mather Field.

“You get what you pay for, and none of you paid!”
Theodore “T.C.” Calvin - Island Hoppers sky transport service
Theodore “T.C.” Calvin - Island Hoppers sky transport service
Roger E. Mosley
Roger E. Mosley (December 18, 1938 – August 7, 2022) American actor, director, and writer, fondly known to most of us as Theodor “T.C.” Calvin, owner and operator of Island Hoppers Hawaiian helicopter charter service. What most people do noth know is that Roger Mosley was a certified helicopter pilot. During the filming of Magnum P.I. Roger was not allowed to fly or perform any stunts with the famed Island Hoppers helicopter due to the filmmaker's insurance policy. A film production pilot flew for the scenes wearing a body stocking and fake arm muscles instead. Sadly, Roger E. Mosley flew west on August 7th, 2022 at 83 years of age.
Bruce Dickinson - Iron Maiden
Bruce commenced flight training in Florida in the 1990s, from his student pilot permit, and commercial, multi-engine, instrument, and airline transport pilot's licence. Bruce became a captain for the now-defunct British charter airline Astraeus where he regularly flew Boeing 757s.
For the 2008–09 "Somewhere Back in Time World Tour", Bruce piloted Iron Maiden's chartered Boeing 757, dubbed "Ed Force One".
For the 2016 The Book of Souls World Tour, Iron Maiden upgraded to a Boeing 747-400 jumbo jet, for which Dickinson undertook a type conversion to be rated on the band's new 747
In 2014, Dickinson purchased a Fokker Dr.I triplane replica G-CDXR and joined the Great War Display Team, which re-enacts First World War air battles at air shows across the UK.
For the 2008–09 "Somewhere Back in Time World Tour", Bruce piloted Iron Maiden's chartered Boeing 757, dubbed "Ed Force One".
For the 2016 The Book of Souls World Tour, Iron Maiden upgraded to a Boeing 747-400 jumbo jet, for which Dickinson undertook a type conversion to be rated on the band's new 747
In 2014, Dickinson purchased a Fokker Dr.I triplane replica G-CDXR and joined the Great War Display Team, which re-enacts First World War air battles at air shows across the UK.

Morgan Freeman
Honourably discharged from the United States Air Force as an airman first class in 1959, Morgan is a Private Pilot, Multi-Engine, Instrument Rated Pilot. Type rated on the Cessna CE-500. One would imagine this guy has some smooth-sounding radio transmissions.

Harrison Ford
Having logged thousands of hours as Pilot in Command, Old Indiana Jones carries a Private Pilot Single Engine Land he had first earned at the age of 53. Harrison then earned his seaplane rating, Multi, IFR, and a Helicopter Pilot licence as well. Type Ratings include the Cessna CE-525, and 680, owner of a classic Ryan PT-22, a beautiful Havilland DHC-2 Beaver, along with a Bell 407 helicopter which he has actually used on multiple occasions to rescue lost and stranded mountain hikers near his home in Grand Teton.

Leonard Nimoy
Well known as First Officer of the USS Enterprise, NCC-1701A United Federation of Planets, Spock also happened to possess a fixed-wing Private Pilots Licence with an instrument rating. Leonard also owned and operated a much-loved Piper Cherokee.

Patrick Swayze
Private Pilot, Multi-Engine with an Instrument Rating. Mr Swayze was also the owner and operator of a Cessna 414 which he used to travel along with his dogs.

Michael Dorn
Best known as Starfleet Officer Lieutenant Worf of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701D, Michael also happens to posses a Private Pilot licence, Multi-Engine, and instrument ratings. Michael has also owned and operated a T-33 Shooting Star, a stunning Canadian F-86C Sabre, and is type-rated on the North American Sabreliner 265 business jet.

Kris Kristofferson
Kristofferson's father; was an Air Force pilot, who strongly urged his son to join the military. After joining the US Army, Kristofferson received training at Fort Rucker, Alabama, where he became a US Army helicopter pilot, also successfully completing Ranger School. After leaving the Army in 65, Kristofferson worked as a commercial helicopter pilot running supplies to and from oil rigs off-shore.

Dennis Quaid
Good old "Hot Dog" from the movie "The Right Stuff, also holds a Private Pilot Single Engine Land, Multi-Engine, and Instrument Rating. Dennis also holds a type rating on the Cessna Citation 500

Treat Williams
Treat first fell in love with aviation in 1969, when his high school football coach, who also happened to be a flight instructor, offered to train him in a Piper Super Cub. Treat willfully accepted his offer, and those first flights were all it took. He did not stop once he gained his Private Pilots Licence; and continued in his training to become an FAA instrument-rated commercial pilot along with a multi-engine rating, then a rotary wing rating. Treat also held a type rating for Cessna Citation jets, and was a certified flight instructor.
Treat enjoyed flying his Piper fleet which included a Piper Clipped-wing Cub, Piper Cherokee 180, Piper Seneca II, and a Piper Navajo Chieftain which he used for family travel between homes.
Sadly, on June 12th, 2023, Williams was struck by a car while riding his motorcycle on Vermont Route 30, near Dorset. He was airlifted to Albany Medical Center, where he succumbed to his injuries. He was 71 years of age.

Jimmy Stewart
On March 22, 1941, Jimmy Stewart was drafted into the U.S. Armed Forces. He was assigned to the Army Air Corps as an enlisted man and stationed at Moffett Field, Calif. where he received his pilot wings and became a United States Army Air Force aviator. During his time as an air force flight instructor, Jimmy instructed in AT-6, AT-9 and B-17 aircraft. In 1943, Stewart became Commanding Officer of the 703d Bomb Squadron in England, equipped with B-24s.
Throughout his service overseas, the US Army Air Corps' top brass had tried to keep the movie star from missions over enemy territory. But Stewart would hear nothing of it.
Stewart commenced flying combat missions in 1944 and was appointed Operations Officer of the 453rd Bomb Group and, subsequently, Chief of Staff of the 2nd Combat wing, 2nd Air Division of the 8th Air Force.
Stewart had completed 20 combat missions by wars end. Upon his return stateside, was suffering from PTSD which greatly affected his acting during the first film he starred in after his military service...."It's a Wonderful Life". The nervous disposition of his character in that film was not acting.
Jimmy Stewart remained in the USAF Reserve; and was promoted to brigadier general on July 23rd, 1959.

Susan Oliver (born Charlotte Gercke, February 13, 1932 – May 10, 1990)
Susan Oliver was an American actress, television director, aviator, and author, better known to many of us as "Orion the Slave Girl” or "The Green Chick" from Star Trek the original series.
Susan was actually an accomplished aviator. She earned who earned her commercial pilot ratings for airplane single-engined land, airplane multi-engined land, instrument airplane, and private privileges for glider.
In 1967, Susan purchased her own Aero Commander 200, which she fitted with an extra fuel tank, and became the fourth woman to fly a single-engined aircraft solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Oliver's route included stops in Goose Bay, Canada, Narsarsuaq in Greenland, Keflavik in Iceland, and Prestwick in Scotland, before landing in Copenhagen, Denmark. ]Although Susan was attempting to fly to Moscow, her odyssey sadly ended in Denmark after the government of the Soviet Union denied her permission to enter its air space.
In addition to many other aviation accomplishments, Susan also co-piloted a Piper Comanche to victory in the 2760-mile transcontinental race known as the "Powder Puff Derby", which resulted in her being named Pilot of the Year by the Association of Executive Pilots. In 1971, Oliver was inducted as a member of the Federal Aviation Administration's Women Advisory Committee on Aviation
In 1967, Susan purchased her own Aero Commander 200, which she fitted with an extra fuel tank, and became the fourth woman to fly a single-engined aircraft solo across the Atlantic Ocean. Oliver's route included stops in Goose Bay, Canada, Narsarsuaq in Greenland, Keflavik in Iceland, and Prestwick in Scotland, before landing in Copenhagen, Denmark. ]Although Susan was attempting to fly to Moscow, her odyssey sadly ended in Denmark after the government of the Soviet Union denied her permission to enter its air space.
In addition to many other aviation accomplishments, Susan also co-piloted a Piper Comanche to victory in the 2760-mile transcontinental race known as the "Powder Puff Derby", which resulted in her being named Pilot of the Year by the Association of Executive Pilots. In 1971, Oliver was inducted as a member of the Federal Aviation Administration's Women Advisory Committee on Aviation

Tom Cruise
It is common to find pilots who were inspired by the 80s movie "Top Gun", and good old Maverick was one of them. After falling in love with aviation during his backseat F-14 Tomcat flights, Tom was inspired to learn to fly. Earning himself a Private and Commercial Pilots licence in 1998, Tom then continued on, getting his Multi-engine, and Instrument ratings. Proud owner and operator of a beautiful P-51D Mustang that had been flown by the Red Tail Squadron during WW2, a Pitts Special biplane, and a Honda Jet. Tom also earned himself a PPC on the L-39 Czech Jet Trainer.
Mr. Cruise also saved fellow film star Elizabeth Shue from being eaten by a helicopter tail rotor during the filming of "Cocktail"
Read more here: https://sierrahotel.net/blogs/news/tom-cruise-saves-elizabeth-shue-from-the-tail-rotor-of-a-helicopter?_pos=1&_sid=4ddce82d0&_ss=r
John Denver
Denver was no stranger to aircraft, born as the son of Pilot, Major Henry J. Deutschendorf, a USAF B-58 pilot whom had set a world aviation record when he flew two laps around a closed circuit 1000 km course an average of 1,061.81 miles per hour between Yuma Az, and Edwards AFB, CA. John inspired by his father's aviation bug, had logged over 2,700 hours, land and sea, multi-engine, gliders and instrument rated along with his Learjet type rating.
October 12th, 1997; John Denver was killed when his light homebuilt aircraft, a Rutan Long-EZ with registration number N555JD, crashed into Monterey Bay near Pacific Grove, California.

Edward Leo Peter "Ed" McMahon, Jr. (March 6, 1923 – June 23, 2009)
American comedian, actor, singer, game show host and announcer. He is most famous for his work on television as Johnny Carson's sidekick, a position he held for over 30 years.
Before he died, McMahon told his son, Lex, who is a Corporal in the US Army, that he preferred to be remembered as a “Good Entertainer, but a Great Marine”.
Eating powder eggs during Officers Candidates School – even though they were billeted on a farm with hundreds of chickens – some things in the Corps never change!
Being commissioned as a 2nd Lt.
Being made a flight instructor while still in flight school.
Earning his Naval Aviator wings on 4/4/44.
Flying the hottest fighter in WWII – the F4U-Corsair.
Getting reprimanded for conducting “training missions” over his girlfriend’s house.
Becoming a test pilot.
Being reprimanded for conducting “training missions” over his girlfriend’s house again.
Teaching carrier landings.
And yes, being reprimanded for flying “training missions” over his girlfriend’s house AGAIN.
Telling NBC he’d love to sign a big contract to be their next star– but he had just received orders to report to Korea.
Meeting Marilyn Monroe prior to deploying to Korea and having her impishly tell him: “Ed, I’m not wearing anything underneath”.
Flying 85 combat missions in Korea as an artillery spotter.
Cornering the market on food and alcohol by becoming his squadron’s Officer-in-Charge of the Mess Tent and Officer’s Club.
The 3-day long party in Tent 7 with 55-gallon drums of “truce juice” when the armistice was signed.
Participation in creating the Toys for Tots program.
Being promoted to Colonel.
Promoting his son to the rank of Corporal.
Passing a flight physical at age 70 and flying the Harrier Jump Jet.
Working with The Flying Leatherneck Historical Foundation to cement the legacy and traditions of Marine Corps Aviation.
And being Major General Lenhert’s Guest of Honor at the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps Ball in 2005 – Sir, he had tremendous respect for you and was humbled to be your guest of honor.
Corporal Lex McMahon also wrote a sad and inspiring note in concerning his father’s death:
"Dad – on behalf of a grateful nation, fiercely loyal United States Marine Corps, assembled friends, loving family, and me – a devoted son – it is the highest honor of my life, to fulfill your request to be buried as a Marine. I wish you Godspeed, as you pull chalks and embark on one last mission in your Corsair – destined for the final rally point– Valhalla – warrior heaven. I salute you!"
Lex McMahon

Robert William Barker
Bob reported for active duty on June 9th, 1943: Ensign Barker was commissioned in the United States Navy, training at eight bases on eight different aircraft, including the Taylorcraft, Stearman, BF-13, SNJ, FM2. and the legendary Corsair, also known as the Bent Wing Bastard. Barker was Carrier Qualified on the USS Wolverine.
A little-known fact, but in all aspects historically accurate…Bob claimed to have singlehandedly won World War II!
"I was a Naval Aviator, a Fighter Pilot. I completed all facets of my training, including my qualifying landings on a carrier. I was all ready to go, and when the enemy heard that I was headed for the Pacific, they surrendered. That was the end of World War II.”
Robert William Barker
(December 12, 1923 – August 26, 2023)

James Montgomery " Scotty" Doohan
James was born on March 3, 1920. As war broke out in Europe, James signed up with the Canadian Armed Forces; and became a member of the 14th (Midland) Field Battery, 2nd Canadian Infantry Division of the Royal Canadian Artillery. He was soon commissioned a Lieutenant in the 14th Field Artillery Regiment of the 3rd Canadian Infantry Division and sent to England for training.
James first combat experience was his landing at Juno Beach on D-Day. Moments after laying his boots on the sands, James managed to shoot two German snipers, then leading his men through a field of anti tank mines, to the safety of higher ground. Once securing their defensive positions, the Canadians held for the night. Unfortunately, that very night, as James was making his way from one Command Post to another, a nervous Canadian sentry opened fire and managed to hit James 6 times. Four rounds to the leg, one to the chest, and one striking his hand, through his middle index finger.
James life was spared by a silver cigarette case that his brother had given to him…by providence, James chose to keep in the chest pocket of his jacket, and it was that silver case that stopped the bullet to his chest, on his first, and last day of combat service on the ground.
Once James was able to get back on his feet, he entered the Air Observation Pilot Course along with 40 fellow Canadian artillery officers, where he was trained to fly the Talorcraft Auster Mark V aircraft and was assigned to the 666 Squadron of the RCAF in support of the 1st Army Group Royal Artillery.
Technically James was still a Canadian artillery officer, and not a member of the RCAF, none the less, he had somehow earned himself the nickname of “craziest pilot in the Canadian Air Force”
According to legend, James took an Auster Mark V up for a hop in the spring of 1945 north of RAF Andover, then proceeded to drop to treetop level, and began to use telegraph poles as a makeshift slalom course "to prove it can be done”.
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