Allegheny Triple Four

November 16th 1977: Indianapolis Center - Following is the Air Traffic Control Transcript:

AirEast Pilot: Indianapolis Center, do you have any traffic for AirEast 31?

Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, negative. The only traffic I have is a TWA L-1011 in your six o'clock position. Range - fifteen miles. There's an Allegheny DC-9 in your twelve o'clock position, fifty miles. Stand by one. I'll take a look at Broadband.
AirEast Pilot: AirEast 31 has traffic two o'clock, slightly above and descending.

Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, Roger. I have a primary target about that position now. I have no known high-altitude traffic. Stand by one. I'll check Low [Altitude]. Over...

AirEast Pilot: AirEast 31. The traffic's not lower than us. He's one o'clock now, still above me and descending.

Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31. Can you say aircraft type?

AirEast Pilot: Negative, Center. No distinct outline. To tell you the truth, the target is rather brilliant. It has the brightest anti-collision lights I think I've ever seen - alternating white to red. The colors are a little striking.

TWA Pilot: Center, this is TWA 517. Traffic now looks like extra bright landing lights. I thought AirEast had his landing lights on.
AirEast Pilot: OK Center. AirEast 31. The traffic has turned. He's heading right for my windshield. We're turning right... [A CONFLICT ALERT sounds]

Air Traffic Controller: AirEast 31, descend and maintain flight level three-one-zero. Break, Allegheny triple four. Turn right thirty degrees immediately...

AirEast Pilot: AirEast 31, Roger. The traffic is quite luminous and is exhibiting some non-ballistic motion. Over.

Air Traffic Controller: Roger, AirEast 31. Continue to descend at your discretion, over.

AirEast Pilot: OK, Center. Center pilot's discretion is approved. The traffic is approaching head-on...and really moving. Went by us, right now. That was really close."

AirEast 31, TWA 517 and the Allegheny 444 all declined to file an official report.
"I know this sounds crazy, but ever since yesterday on the road, I've been seeing this shape. Shaving cream, pillows...Dammit! I know this. I know what this is! This means something. This is important."
- Roy Neary-Electrical lineman

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